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Capture d’écran 2017-11-20 à 09.26.54

Capture d’écran 2017-11-20 à 11.31.35

Capture d’écran 2017-11-20 à 11.31.25
Boston Housing Tower
We perceive a composition not as its seperate parts but as a whole. We don’t see three straight lines, we see a triangle. On their own, the seperate elements may have a meaning of their own but if put together, this meaning can change and form an entirely new one.
Each person living in the tower has a background,a revenue, a culture, and a history of their own.
They are a fraction of what and where they once belong.
My intention is to create an amalgam with the different people that live or work in the tower, but also to underline the uniqueness of their background and different culture.I want to bring the fractions together as a whole.
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